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Surgical glue

How is made Ifabond® Surgical Glue ?

Ifabond® is a synthetic surgical glue made from n-hexyl cyanoacrylate monomers (98% pure) for mesh fixation, tissue fixation and hemostasis. Its polymerization occurs in contact with body fluids (whitening effect and fixation within 30s) with a very limited temperature increase (max. 2 °C)

Ifabond® Surgical Glue Main Advantages

It can be used in many surgeries and helps to improve the quality of care delivered to the patient:

  • Atraumatic glue, designed to prevent any transfixion during the mesh fixation.
  • Resorption1: partial from 3 to 6 months, total from 6 to 12 months.
  • Flexible glue2 after its polymerization (N-Hexyl) absorbing potential stress.
  • Slow degradation without emission of toxic products.

Our products


  • Designed for surgeons: immediate polymerization with visible process, adhesive effect within 30 seconds
  • Optimized for OR staff : ready-to-use product, no mix nor preparation of component is required ; all in one kit
  • Atraumatic glue designed to ensure comfort and safety for patients

Class III medical device intended for professional surgical use only – CE 0459 GMED – Manufacturer: Peters Surgical – Read carefully the instructions before use.

Ifabond® Glue Applicators

  • Open surgery: 15 cm appliers
  • Laparoscopic surgery: 37 or 45 cm appliers (Bariatric surgery)

Class IIa medical device intended for professional surgical use only – CE 0459 GMED – Manufacturer: Peters Surgical – Read carefully the instructions before use.

1Rapport NAMSA-2013/14 : «Surgical glue local tissue effects and degradation evaluation ».
2MEMO RD-11-001/2011-Std NF EN ISO 10993 : «IFABOND® properties (purity, elasticity, polymerization temperature ».