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Peters Surgical, a French company that designs, manufactures and distributes medical devices for operating rooms, has received an A+ rating in the Indice Vert assessment, a tool created by CAHPP (Centrale d’Achats de l’Hospitalisation Privée et Publique).


What is the Green Index?
Created in 2012, the Green Index assesses the CSR & Responsible Purchasing strategy of our listed suppliers.


How did we obtain this assessment?
As a CAHPP referenced supplier, we completed a questionnaire to be assessed on our CSR commitments and performance in terms of our management’s commitment to implementing an effective policy, responsible purchasing, eco-design of our medical devices, waste management and the ordering and distribution system for our products.
Purchasing accounts for around 50% of the carbon footprint of the healthcare sector in France, which is why it is essential to offer appropriate, low-carbon products and services.
This assessment is a decision-making tool for purchasers, enabling them to make informed choices and play an active role in the ecological transition, in particular by adopting a responsible purchasing approach.
Beyond the questionnaire, it is a real tool for improving our sustainable development approach by challenging us each year on these different aspects of CSR.


We are proud to have achieved an A+ rating, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable development. We would like to thank all the teams who contributed to this result. Together, we can meet the challenges we face to reduce our impact on the world around us and sustainably transform the healthcare industry.